Tuesday, July 1, 2008
How to Enjoy Being Single

There is always a grieving period when you have lost a spouse or someone you thought was a "soul mate". The loss may be as a result of death, divorce or a break up. So how do you survive after the grieving?


  1. Say yes to every opportunity to learn, grow and meet new people.
  2. Be grateful for what you have. After the grieving period, focus on what you do have for example, good health and a good support system of family and friends.
  3. Don't be afraid to invest yourself in deep relationships with other people. You don't have to be dating somebody to have a intimate and fulfilling relationship with them. Don't be afraid to open up and be vulnerable sometimes.
  4. Decide for yourself if there are aspects of your life or your personality that you would like to change and do it. You are your best evaluator. You don't need to listen to those people who tell you that you are single because you are too "picky", too fat,or too old to meet someone else.
  5. Ignore the toxic people in your life. It is easy to recognize them. Their negative words of fear and discouragement sap your energy.
  6. Think about all the things you can do because you are now single. You could take off and go travelling without discussing it with somebody else. You can watch TV all day without being called lazy. You don't actually have to do these things but, sometimes, just the knowledge that you could is enough to make you feel great.
  7. Invest in yourself. Save some money and get a professional massage. Get a manicure and pedicure .... anything that nurtures your body and lifts your spirit.


  • Look in your local newspaper for opportunities to join a service club or volunteer with an organization. Look in your church newsletter for church related activities if that makes you happy. Check the continuing education program at your local community college to see if there is a class that you would like to attend.
  • Now that you are single, you will discover that there are some ignorant friends, family and neighbors who think that being single means you are desperate and stupid. Don't be offended. Just drop them from your close circle.
  • Host a Singles Party. Ask single friends, male and female, to invite at least one other single friend.


  • You can learn new things from anyone you could possibly meet, but be careful; choose people who teach you in a positive way rather than a negative one. Some lessons are better learned through observation, rather than experience. You are vulnerable but not stupid. Be wary of persons who need to borrow your money.
  • Consult a therapist or your doctor if you are depressed. You can also build yourself up by pushing yourself - take classes at the community college that target your learning needs of self in some way (psychology, art, self-defense, women's studies, for ex.) That way if you aren't comfortable seeing a therapist yet, you can effectively learn about yourself without isolating yourself at the same time. This can also be done by attending religious services that you can trust. Self help books, (Dr. Phil has a way of writing his books so that they can seem one-on-one with you), reading the Bible, or the topics on Wiki How-To on personal growth can truly help you if you take the advice. This time of being single is also an excellent opportunity to reach out & become more family oriented. After all, this may be a time you need them most! Family isn't defined as, or limited to, only those to whom you are blood-related.
posted by graxiia na at 9:03 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
How to Love Yourself Being Single

Being single may not seem easy, but with some of these tips, you will learn to love your single life and your single self!


  1. Know that all you need to make yourself happy is you. You don't need others to make you happy. Accept yourself for who you are, because you are amazing.
  2. Listen to happy music. It helps to keep your mood and confidence up, which will help attract people to you.
  3. Buy a little black dress. Even if you don't have an event to wear it to, buying one will help you feel sexy and bring up your self-esteem. Plus, if you have an event later on that requires a coocktail dress, you won't have to go through the stress of finding one
  4. Keep yourself occupied. Sitting around the house all day may be making you feel lonely. Get out there. Even if you are just going to have a coffee with yourself, it's nice to be able to interact with other people.
  5. Do things to make yourself feel beautiful. Give yourself a facial. Exfoliate. Paint your nails. You will feel prettier afterwards.
  6. Take a break sometimes. Just taking time to sit there and contemplate life is great. Take deep breaths. Meditate. Just sit and think.
  7. Have girls (or guys) night out. Go out with all your single friends, maybe to a bar and have fun trying to use corny pick up lines or trying to pick up the hottie sitting at the bar.


  • Just remember to always be yourself and love everything about yourself because you were made this way for a reason.
  • Don't just sit around and sulk, this will make you look unapproachable and unattractive to potential lovers.
  • Go out and have fun.
posted by graxiia na at 8:58 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
How to See if He's the One

Some girls think they know that their guy is the one, but no one is actually sure. Here are some tips and strategies to see if he's the one (and if he's not, to make him the one).


  1. See if you naturally remember his birthday, your anniversary, and days that are important to him.
  2. Make sure he doesn't pressure you to become intimate before you are ready.
  3. Make note if you compliment him even when he knows he's not looking his best. You may even prefer the "natural" him.
  4. Notice if you tell your friends/family how great he is and if you are excited to introduce him to them.

    • Do you include him in family plans, such as inviting him on your family vacation (or even simply assuming that he will accompany your family without needing an invitation)?
    • Do you want to help him get along with his family, even sticking up for him, because it is important to you that his family like you and you like them?
    • Do you suggest that he call your mother if he needs advice on cooking, cleaning, etc.?
  5. Pay attention if you openly tell him that you love him, even offering qualifiers such as "I love you a lot" or initiating the "I love you more" game.
  6. See if you talk about your future with him without any prompting (e.g. you fantasize about the children you will have together).
  7. See if you want to give him a key to your apartment/house and/or you make a point of telling him that you have never given this key out to any other boyfriend. Express how important it is to you that he feel comfortable in your house.
  8. Make sure you feel comfortable being yourself in front of him. This not only means that you can be that "silly you" that only your close friends or family know. Be sure that you feel comfortable with him seeing you without make-up, without your hair done or after a sweaty workout. Make sure that you feel comfortable using his bathroom.
  9. One way of finding out if he really cares for you is to listen to him when he thinks you're not listening. This doesn't mean follow him around! One day when you are curled up together ask for him to talk you to sleep because you've been finding it hard to sleep and his voice relaxes you. Lie back, relax and pretend to sleep in his arms. He'll yabber about whatever until he thinks your asleep. Sometimes, he'll tell you something while you're asleep that he finds it hard to say whilst you're awake.
  10. Stay away from a guy who is overly controlling. If he frequently tells you what to do or tries to run your life, watch out! This guy is insecure and feels that he has the upper hand in your relationship. "The one" will be secure with you and let you be who you are.


  • If he proposes to you too soon (e.g., before 1 year), take some time to analyze why he is rushing. If you are inclined to say yes, suggest a long engagement to be sure.
  • Don't give him all of your attention. If he requires all of your attention and gets upset or clingy when you aren't catering to him, recognize this as a red flag.
  • Don't demand that he give you all of his attention. Doing so runs the risk of smothering him and pushing him away.
  • Don't spend too much time together. Having your own separate interests will provide for a more interesting relationship and help you both to maintain healthy, independent identities. If the relationship is right (and healthy), you will feel comfortable and secure in the relationship even when you are apart. You won't feel the need to be clingy.
  • Most importantly, notice what you feel and why. Are you rushing into anything? Is he clingy, or pushy about the future?


  • If he won't discuss your future together, even after a significant amount of time together (say a year), he is probably not considering a future.
  • If when you say "I love you tons and tons and tons," he hesitantly replies "Yeah, I love you too," he probably doesn't feel as strongly for you as you do for him.
  • If when you say, "I want to spend my life with you," he questions, "How could you possibly know that?" he probably isn't considering a long-term future with you.
  • If he refuses to include you, at least occasionally, in his plans with the boys or avoids telling you what he and the boys did last night, then he is probably doing something you wouldn't approve of.
  • If he makes major decisions (such as a career change or moving to a new city) without including you, he doesn't consider you to be a permanent part of his life.
  • If he maintains a friendship with his ex, but refuses to respect your boundaries and feelings on the issue, he doesn't consider you to be important enough to modify the relationship with his ex. (But remember, ultimatums aren't the answer!)
  • Notice the way he lives his life. Does it match and/or coincide with what you hope your future will look like? For example, if you recycle and he throws trash out of his car window, is this really going to work?
posted by graxiia na at 8:45 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
How to Improve Your Sex Life

If your sex life is not working the way you want it to, don't feel embarrassed or hopeless. There is plenty you could do to improve your love life and thus your relationship.


  1. Talk about it with your partner. The simple act of talking could make it easier for both of you to initiate. At the very least, a conversation will show your partner that you care.
  2. Take a vacation together, even a short weekend. The burden of daily life sometimes leaves us with no lust whatsoever.
  3. Attend counseling sessions with a therapist. Emotional distress might cause the loss of libido, and you may feel that you need professional help. Many times stress will have a negative effect on the physical side of the relationship. Stress in the job, or financial concerns lay heavily on the mind, and it effects the body itself.


  • Sleep well. Fatigue is a major cause for losing one's sexual appetite.
  • Don't let the myths about other people's sex lives get in the way of what's happening in yours.
  • Consult your doctor. You may also consider seeing a doctor with your partner.


  • Don't shut yourself out. You need to deal with this.
  • Don't pretend it's not an issue. Sex is crucial for a good relationship.

posted by graxiia na at 8:44 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
How to Be Annoying

Have you ever wanted to annoy someone so bad that they wanted to tear their hair out? This article should help you!


  1. Use potty humor. Announce to them that you have to go to the bathroom, and that you think that they should go too, as they have been holding it in for quite a while. When they do go to the bathroom, call to them things like: "Are you doing OK in there?" and if there are other people in the bathroom proudly announce to them: "My friend is in there," pointing at the bathroom stall. When you are finished in the bathroom, come out with a sigh of relief and be sure to tell them all about your time in the bathroom. (Even if they would rather you didn't.)
  2. Sing along to everything. If they are listening to their iPod, help yourself to one of their headphones and start singing along to the song (if you're tone deaf this works really well). Remember, you don't have to even know the words to the song, just make them up as you go along–the dumber your lyrics the better! Also, if you are watching TV, sing along with all of the commercial jingles.
  3. Hug random people. Just randomly run up to people and give them a hug. Tell them that you are so glad to see them and that they are your best friend ever. Then, right in front of them, do the same thing to some other person.
  4. Ask private questions. You can either ask a ton of these to one person, or spread it around. If you are going to do this to any random person, do things like ask a man if he has ever had an abortion or is pregnant, or ask a 13 year old if they have ever been to rehab, had a drug intervention, or if they are wasted/drunk.
  5. Laugh for no reason. OK, picture this: Complete silence, possibly a classroom, in church, or something like that. How annoying do you think it would be if you just randomly burst out laughing? (Spitting a little isn't a bad thing either.) Also, point and laugh at people without explaining yourself, just keep pointing at them and laughing uncontrollably.
  6. Make up inside jokes. Not the kind you share with a few of your friends, just the kind that you don't share with anyone, just yourself. For instance, just yell out the word "Peanut Butter" and start laughing and if someone asks you why that's funny, just tell them all it's an inside joke.
  7. Make animal sounds. Sneak up behind someone and go baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, to some people, this will give them goosebumps. Also, when you are getting yelled at or scolded, just make a questioning "baaahh?" or "rrribbitt?" works too.
  8. Make prank phone calls. If you are off from school at some abnormal time and people you know are in school, call them on their cell phones in the middle of class! Call random numbers in the phone book and ask them if they would like to share a baloney sandwich, or the old refidgerator running call is probably the most annoying in the book! Feel free to use it all the time!
  9. Use IM acronyms. Speak in all acronyms. Instead of actually laughing just say "LOL!" Instead of acting surprised, just say OMG in a totally unexcited tone.
  10. Be sarcastic. about everything, to the point that people have absolutely no idea what you are even trying to say
  11. Sing Peanut butter jelly time over and over!! It gets annoying after a while for people!
  12. Quote Dr. Phil(and over do it) Trust me on this one. If you keep saying "drop that twinkie" "That dog don't hunt", and "Did you fall out of the dumb tree?" long enough, you will have the crap beaten out of you. For extra credit, shave the top of your head and grow a mustache (or glue one on).
  13. You have to smell the part too Wear really strong perfume/colonge, apply about a barrel a day.
  14. Spray it, don't say it Spit when you talk (it really makes people mad).
  15. Talk about feelings Always start the conversation with 'I feel' this and 'you hurt my feelings' that and don't stop. It will drive people crazy. It also helps if you get out an acoustic gituar and talk about how everything hurts your feelings.
  16. Complain non-stop No one wants to be around a whiner.

When online

  2. Dont use any punctuation go ahead let your sentences run together dont use periods exclamation points question marks or even commas or aposthropes its even ok to notusethespacebar and get really upset when people dont have a clue on what your saying
  3. purposlly spall thengs rong (Purposely spell things wrong) al the tyme and agin, bee reilly opset whin ppl dont understand u.
  4. overuse the comma, for example: today, I, really, had, a, bad, day.
  5. uSe StIcKy cApS cApItAlIzE eVeRy oThEr lEtTeR.
  6. Don't use grammar dont not worry about making no any sense at all and forget all of everything you ever learned grammar-wise and speak in run on sentences and be really wordy and then don't change how you're writing when people ask you what you mean
  7. Capitalize Each Word This Annoys Some People Very, Very Much.
  8. s bsltly n vwls (Use absolutely no vowels) fw thngs r mr nnyng thn ppl tht s n vwls
  9. Answer every thing they say with "WAT" getting bigger and bigger every time, eventually underline it. They'll get so annoyed.

When at a movie

  1. Ask the person behind the counter(preferably if they are wearing a work uniform!), "Hi, do you work here? Or are you just wearing that uniform because it's cool?" Or simply ask them, "Wow! Where ever did you get that outfit? If I had an outfit like that, I would wear it everyday!"
  2. If you have already seen the movie playing in a theater, stick your head through the doorway and yell out the ending.
  3. Laugh obnoxiously at really corny jokes.
  4. When an important part is playing (like when they find out who the killer is or something) Sneeze or cough loudly and disturbingly
  5. Shush everyone who says anything, and then go into this loud discussion on how it's very rude to talk during a movie because some people might be trying to watch it.
  6. If there is any kind of kissing scene, yell "eeeeeewwwwwww! Gross!" while throwing popcorn at the screen.
  7. Make sure to sit in the middle of the row, then every 10 minutes get up and go to the ailse. Walk around a bit and then return to your middle seat. Maybe pause halfway down the aisle to your seat.
  8. Ask the manager at the concession stand if the straws are free.
  9. If someone is sitting in front of you, start kicking the person's seat and don't stop. You can also (if you have stepped into something gross) put your feet up. The dirtier your shoes are, the better.
  10. Go ahead, make those annoying slurping sounds trying to get those last few drops of soda.
  11. Bring 2 or more people with you to start a conversation while the movie is playing and make sure to be near as many people as possible. Be as loud and obnoxious as possible. If anyone tells you to zip it, throw popcorn at them.
  12. If no one wants to be with you, bring your cellphone and don't bother to put it on vibrate. Make sure that your cellphone goes off like a car alarm and don't answer it for at least a minute.
  13. Bring your jogging suit and start doing laps of the aisles, be sure to pant loud and move your hips like an expert walker.


  • When you get tired of being annoying, check out our article on How to Not Be Annoying.
  • If you want tips on how to be annoying/weird check out Fred on Youtube. You can learn a lot from watching the Fred channel thing.
  • You might want to enhance your skills by watching as many daxflame videos as possible on YouTube. Start with Haircut/how hard is it to get an order right so you'll know what to do when you're invited to a neighbor's BBQ.


  • In most cases, this will not encourage other people to enjoy your company.
  • Being too annoying can lead to pain.

posted by graxiia na at 8:36 AM | Permalink | 0 comments